[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 17 15:25:42 CEST 2008

vector field scalars are if you want to create a scalar from a particular 
sample of a particular field of a datasource.

eg: we are monitoring data coming in from an experiment and, for example, we 
would like to numerically display the temperature of the azimuth motor.  So, 
we create a vector field scalar which is the last sample of the T_az_mot 
field, and display it in a label.  We never need to create a vector in kst to 
do it.

In 1.x, we would implement this by creating a vector 2 frames long, and 
display the automatic scalar V/Last in the label.  So this doesn't allow new 
functionality, but it does make it less of a hack.

I still like your idea of being able to index a sample of a vector.... 
someday :-)  I don't remember if it ever got done.


On Friday 17 October 2008 01:48:44 Brisset, Nicolas wrote:
> > SVN commit 872356 by netterfield:
> >
> > Add a new kind of scalar: vector field scalars... make a scalar from a
> > single sample of a vector field from a data source.  Useful for
> > numerical displays in live kst windows, etc.
> Sounds good. It reminds me of a feature we discussed for kst 1.x (but I
> think it was never implemented in the end, though I may be wrong), i.e.
> the possibility of indexed access into vectors like DS1/MY_VECTOR[0] or
> something of the kind, where as far as I remember the problem had to do
> with the syntax (see discussion under
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kst/2005-June/006928.html). Would be nice
> if we could solve that elegantly. It seems quite important to me, I can
> think of quite a few uses cases. Whether what you've just implemented is
> related to that need is however still a bit unclear to me...
> I'd be interested to know what you think about it...
> Nicolas
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