[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/tests

Mike Fenton mike at staikos.net
Mon Nov 3 21:06:52 CET 2008

SVN commit 879681 by fenton:

Add testing of DataMatrix based on the qImageSource plugin.

 M  +43 -79    testdatamatrix.cpp  

--- branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/tests/testdatamatrix.cpp #879680:879681
@@ -31,56 +31,8 @@
 void TestDataMatrix::testDataMatrix() {
   bool ok = true;
-//   QSettings *settingsObject = new QSettings("kstdatarc", QSettings::IniFormat);
-//   Kst::DataSource::setupOnStartup(settingsObject);
-//   QStringList _plugins = Kst::DataSource::pluginList();
-//   if (!_plugins.contains("ASCII File Reader"))
-//     QSKIP("...couldn't find plugin.", SkipAll);
+  QStringList _plugins = Kst::DataSource::pluginList();
-    // for ascii data sources, matrix fields start with [MATRIXNAME,Y,x,y,w,l]
-    // where Y = size of y dimension
-    //       x = x coordinate of minimum
-    //       y = y coordinate of minimum
-    //       w = x step size
-    //       l = y step size
-//   QTemporaryFile tf;
-//   tf.open();
-//   QTextStream ts(&tf);
-//   ts << "[MATRIX,3,0,0,1,1]" << endl;
-//   ts << "1.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "2.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "3.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "4.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "5.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "6.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "7.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "8.0" << endl;
-//   ts << "9.0" << endl;
-//   ts.flush();
-//   Kst::DataSourcePtr dsp = Kst::DataSource::loadSource(&_store, tf.fileName());
-//   QVERIFY(dsp);
-//   QVERIFY(dsp->isValid());
-//   QXmlStreamAttributes attributes;
-//   attributes.append("intepretation", "0");
-//   attributes.append("delimiters", "#/c!;");
-//   attributes.append("columntype", "0");
-//   attributes.append("columndelimiters", "");
-//   attributes.append("headerstart", "1");
-//   attributes.append("fields", "0");
-//   attributes.append("readfields", "true");
-//   dsp->parseProperties(attributes);
-//   dsp->writeLock();
-//   dsp->reset();
-//   dsp->unlock();
   //basic default constructor values
   Kst::DataMatrixPtr m1 = Kst::kst_cast<Kst::DataMatrix>(_store.createObject<Kst::DataMatrix>());
   QCOMPARE(m1->sampleCount(), 0);
@@ -92,37 +44,49 @@
   QCOMPARE(m1->meanValue(), 0.0);
-//   m1->change(dsp, "[MATRIX,3,0,0,1,1]", 0, 0, -1, -1, false, false, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
-//   m1->writeLock();
-//   m1->update();
-//   m1->unlock();
+  if (!_plugins.contains("QImage Source Reader"))
+    QSKIP("...couldn't find plugin.", SkipAll);
-  QSKIP("No Data Test currently exists for DataMatrices.", SkipAll);
-//   qDebug() << "No Data Test currently exists for DataMatrices.";
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->sampleCount(), 9);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->minValue(), 1.0);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->maxValue(), 9.0);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(0, 0, &ok), 1.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(0, 1, &ok), 2.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(0, 2, &ok), 3.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(1, 0, &ok), 4.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(1, 1, &ok), 5.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(1, 2, &ok), 6.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(2, 0, &ok), 7.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(2, 1, &ok), 8.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(2, 2, &ok), 9.0);
-//   QVERIFY(ok);
-//   QCOMPARE(m1->value(10, 10, &ok), 0.0); //should be outside the boundaries.
-//   QVERIFY(!ok);
+  //These tests assume that the image kst.png exists in src/images
+  QString imageFile = QDir::currentPath() + QDir::separator() + QString("src") +
+                      QDir::separator() + QString("images") + QDir::separator() + QString("kst.png");
+  if (!QFile::exists(imageFile)) {
+    QSKIP("...unable to perform test.  Image file missing.", SkipAll);
+  }
+  printf("Opening image = %s for test.\n", imageFile.toLatin1().data());
+  Kst::DataSourcePtr dsp = Kst::DataSource::loadSource(&_store, imageFile);
+  dsp->update();
+  QVERIFY(dsp);
+  QVERIFY(dsp->isValid());
+  m1->change(dsp, "GRAY", 0, 0, -1, -1, false, false, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+  m1->writeLock();
+  m1->update();
+  m1->unlock();
+  QCOMPARE(m1->xNumSteps(), 32);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->yNumSteps(), 32);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->xStepSize(), 1.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->yStepSize(), 1.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->minX(), 0.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->minY(), 0.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->minValue(), 0.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->maxValue(), 255.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->minValuePositive(), 7.0);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->sampleCount(), 1024);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->value(0, 0, &ok), 0.0);
+  QVERIFY(ok);
+  QCOMPARE(m1->value(25, 3, &ok), 81.0);
+  QVERIFY(ok);
 // vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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