[Kst] getdata library-ising

D. V. Wiebe dwiebe at physics.utoronto.ca
Tue Jun 10 01:44:47 CEST 2008

Having getdata in the kst sources was fine when it was just Barth and I
working on it for BLASTERanG, but with more current (and future)
experiments now using getdata for data access, this model is starting to
become unworkable.

As a result, I've collected all the variant versions of getdata that I
know about and an trying to merge them into one version which will be
useable by all.  Once that's done, my plan is to remove getdata from the
kst source repository and host it elsewhere (SourceForge).

This will result in getdata becoming an external library dependency for
kst, much like most of the other datasource plugins are.  My questions are
about package building:

How should we handle packaging kst once getdata is removed?
Should we be worried about distro package creators creating binary
packages of kst lacking getdata support?  When we release kst source
packages, should grab the latest getdata release, throw it into the kst
source tarball and have the configure script build and install the
"internal" version of getdata if it doesn't detect an external one?
Were we do that, what sort of havoc would that wreak on depedency
tracking package databases?  Should we trust distro packagers to create
a getdata package and have the necessary dependencies for kst?  If they
don't, would mild poking be sufficient to get them to do so?

Don Wiebe                                   dwiebe at physics.utoronto.ca
Dept. of Physics/Univ. of Toronto
60 St. George St.                           Tele: +1-416-946-0946
Toronto ON                                  Lab:  +1-416-946-0516
Canada   M5S 1A7                            http://ketiltrout.net/
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