[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src

Mike Fenton mike at staikos.net
Fri Jul 11 17:49:17 CEST 2008

SVN commit 830984 by fenton:

Add drawing of legend and placement of legendItem within the plot.

 M  +1 -1      libkstapp/labelitem.cpp  
 M  +11 -4     libkstapp/labelrenderer.cpp  
 M  +3 -3      libkstapp/labelrenderer.h  
 M  +190 -22   libkstapp/legenditem.cpp  
 M  +6 -9      libkstapp/legenditem.h  
 M  +0 -1      libkstapp/legenditemdialog.cpp  
 M  +27 -11    libkstapp/legendtab.ui  
 M  +69 -28    libkstapp/plotitem.cpp  
 M  +1 -2      libkstapp/viewitem.cpp  
 M  +3 -12     libkstmath/curve.cpp  
 M  +1 -1      libkstmath/curve.h  
 M  +1 -2      libkstmath/image.cpp  
 M  +1 -1      libkstmath/image.h  
 M  +0 -1      libkstmath/imagefactory.cpp  
 M  +0 -27     libkstmath/relation.cpp  
 M  +1 -23     libkstmath/relation.h  

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