[Kst] Vector skip patch ?

Adam Treat treat at kde.org
Tue Oct 17 16:59:24 CEST 2006

I'm not sure I understand this objection.  In count-from-end mode, f0 is not 
defined by the user.  It is set as a function of the requested number of 
frames.  As such, it will necessarilly exist on the skip boundary as it is 
the first frame.

What I suppose you are saying is that when in count-from-end mode that we 
should divide up the frames beginning at the start of the file and then count 
back from the end the requested length and find the frame closest that lies 
on the skip boundary.

What I am supposing (and the patch is doing) is that when in count-from-end 
mode that we count back from the end the requested length and the frame we 
arrive at is then f0.  We then divide up the length according to skip.

On Monday 16 October 2006 7:57 pm, George Staikos wrote:
> On Monday 16 October 2006 19:46, Barth Netterfield wrote:
> > AFAIKT, This would work in static mode, but in real time count-from-end
> > mode, it will not behave well:  If you are counting from the end, with
> > skip on, I assert that these three things should be true:
> > 	-My plots should only update every SKIP frames (not every frame, as
> > would happen with the patch) and

Where do you see this?  From what I see, it only updates every SKIP frames.

> > 	-old data should not change when new data comes in - it should just
> > shift into the past.  I have no idea what will happen to old data in
> > terms of shifting with this patch.
> > 	-my plot should look like your plot, even if we started them at
> > different times.
>   Agreed.
>   Maybe we should write out a full spec for how this should work.

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