[Kst] extragear/graphics/kst/src/datasources
Theodore Kisner
tskisner.public at gmail.com
Wed May 31 19:10:22 CEST 2006
On Wednesday 31 May 2006 03:28, George Staikos wrote:
| disable fitstools from the main build for now so we don't have to package
| it until it's ready. That means if you use it, either re-enable locally,
| or go into the subdirectory to build it.
Is this good enough (just not building it), or would you prefer that I move
this stuff to a branch? I will keep the new FITS datasource disabled as well
until it is ready.
Just to be clear, here is what I am aiming for as a final product:
libfitstools : code that is common to fitsgeneral, lfiio, and healpix
lfiio : check kewords to determine if this is LFIIO, handle
interleaved data rows
healpix : handle HEALPix FITS files
fitsgeneral : handle all FITS files (containing images and/or tables) that
are not claimed by lfiio and healpix
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