[Kst] extragear/graphics/kst/src/datasources/libfitstools

Ted Kisner tskisner.public at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 00:02:32 CEST 2006

SVN commit 547921 by tskisner:

More additions to libfitstools.  Next step is to begin outline of fitsgeneral datasource so that I can test these functions.

 M  +245 -0    fitstools.cpp  
 M  +12 -7     fitstools.h  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/src/datasources/libfitstools/fitstools.cpp #547920:547921
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
   return array;
 int fitsSarrayFree(char **array, size_t nstring)
   size_t i;
@@ -119,7 +120,251 @@
+int fitsNamesUnits( fitsfile *fp, int HDU, QStringList *names, QStringList *units ) {
+  int nString = 0;
+  // clear the lists
+  names->clear();
+  units->clear();
+  // move to desired HDU
+  int ret = 0;
+  int hduType;
+  if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp, HDU, &hduType, &ret)) {
+    return nString;
+  }
+  // for each type of HDU, find the column names or assign
+  // a generic image name (since images don't have names)
+  QString curName;
+  QString curUnits;
+  int maxDim;
+  long rowLen;
+  long nRows;
+  int nCols;
+  long tbCol;
+  char **fitsNames;
+  char **fitsUnits;
+  long *dimAxes = NULL;
+  int nAxis;
+  switch (hduType) {
+    case IMAGE_HDU:
+      // find the size of the image and include it in the 
+      // generic name.
+      maxDim = 100; // no images should have > 100 dimensions...
+      dimAxes = (long*)calloc(maxDim, sizeof(long));
+      if (fits_read_imghdr(fp, maxDim, NULL, NULL, &nAxis, dimAxes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return nString;
+      }
+      curName = "IMAGE (";
+      for (int i = 0; i < nAxis; i++) {
+        curUnits.sprintf("%ld", dimAxes[i]);
+        curName.append(curUnits);
+        if (i != nAxis-1) {
+          curName.append("x");
+        }
+      }
+      curName.append(")");
+      names->append(curName);
+      units->append(QString());
+      nString++;
+      free(dimAxes);
+      break;
+    case ASCII_TBL:
+      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
+      // find number of columns
+      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, &tbCol, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return nString;
+      }
+      // allocate names and units
+      fitsNames = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
+      fitsUnits = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
+      // read names and units
+      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, fitsNames, &tbCol, NULL, fitsUnits, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return nString;
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
+        curName = fitsNames[i];
+        curUnits = fitsUnits[i];
+        names->append(curName);
+        units->append(curUnits);
+        nString++;
+      }
+      fitsSarrayFree(fitsNames, nCols);
+      fitsSarrayFree(fitsUnits, nCols);
+      break;
+    case BINARY_TBL:
+      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
+      // find number of columns
+      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return nString;
+      }
+      // allocate names and units
+      fitsNames = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
+      fitsUnits = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
+      // read names and units
+      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, fitsNames, NULL, fitsUnits, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return nString;
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
+        curName = fitsNames[i];
+        curUnits = fitsUnits[i];
+        names->append(curName);
+        units->append(curUnits);
+        nString++;
+      }
+      fitsSarrayFree(fitsNames, nCols);
+      fitsSarrayFree(fitsUnits, nCols);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return nString;
+      break;
+  }
+  return nString;
+QStringList fitsFields( fitsfile *fp, int HDU ) {
+  QStringList fields;
+  QStringList names;
+  QStringList units;
+  int nString = fitsNamesUnits(fp, HDU, &names, &units);
+  if (nString <= 0) {
+    return fields;
+  }
+  QString cur;
+  fields.append("INDEX");
+  for (int i = 0; i < nString; i++) {
+    if (names[i].contains("IMAGE")) {
+      cur.sprintf("%d - %s Data", i, names[i].latin1());
+    } else {
+      cur.sprintf("%d - %s", i, names[i].latin1());
+    }
+    if (units[i].isEmpty()) {
+      cur.sprintf("%s (Unknown Units)", cur.latin1());
+    } else {
+      cur.sprintf("%s (%s)", cur.latin1(), units[i].latin1());
+    }
+    fields.append(cur);
+  }
+  return fields;
+QStringList fitsMatrices( fitsfile *fp, int HDU ) {
+  QStringList matrices;
+  QStringList names;
+  QStringList units;
+  int nString = fitsNamesUnits(fp, HDU, &names, &units);
+  if (nString <= 0) {
+    return matrices;
+  }
+  QString cur;
+  matrices.append("INDEX");
+  if (names[0].contains("IMAGE")) {
+    cur.sprintf("1 - %s", names[0].latin1());
+  } else {    
+    cur.sprintf("1 - TABLE");
+  }
+  matrices.append(cur);
+  return matrices;
+QValueList<int> fitsDim( fitsfile *fp, int HDU ) {
+  QValueList<int> dims;
+  // move to desired HDU
+  int ret = 0;
+  int hduType;
+  if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp, HDU, &hduType, &ret)) {
+    return dims;
+  }
+  // for each type of HDU, find the dimensions
+  int maxDim;
+  long rowLen;
+  long nRows;
+  int nCols;
+  long tbCol;
+  long *dimAxes = NULL;
+  int nAxis;
+  switch (hduType) {
+    case IMAGE_HDU:
+      // find the size of the image and include it in the 
+      // generic name.
+      maxDim = 100; // no images should have > 100 dimensions...
+      dimAxes = (long*)calloc(maxDim, sizeof(long));
+      if (fits_read_imghdr(fp, maxDim, NULL, NULL, &nAxis, dimAxes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return dims;
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < nAxis; i++) {
+        dims.append((int)dimAxes[i]);
+      }
+      free(dimAxes);
+      break;
+    case ASCII_TBL:
+      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
+      // find number of columns
+      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, &tbCol, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return dims;
+      }
+      dims.append((int)nCols);
+      dims.append((int)nRows);
+      break;
+    case BINARY_TBL:
+      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
+      // find number of columns
+      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
+        return dims;
+      }
+      dims.append((int)nCols);
+      dims.append((int)nRows);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return dims;
+      break;
+  }
+  return dims;
+// vim: ts=2 sw=2 et
--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/src/datasources/libfitstools/fitstools.h #547920:547921
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
 #include <math.h>
 #include <fitsio.h>
+#include <qpair.h>
 #include <qstring.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
 #include <qmap.h>
 // convenience functions
@@ -33,20 +36,22 @@
 int fitsNHDU( fitsfile *fp );
-//int fitsDim( fitsfile *fp, int HDU, int *rows, int *cols );
 QMap<QString, QString> fitsKeys( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
-//QStringList fitsNames( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
+int fitsNamesUnits( fitsfile *fp, int HDU, QStringList *names, QStringList *units );
-//QStringList fitsUnits( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
+QStringList fitsFields( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
-//QStringList fitsFields( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
-//QStringList fitsMatrices( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
+QStringList fitsMatrices( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
+QValueList<int> fitsDim( fitsfile *fp, int HDU );
+// read data from file
 // vim: ts=2 sw=2 et

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