[Kst] extragear/graphics/kst/kst

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Jan 26 00:39:30 CET 2006

SVN commit 502442 by netterfield:

Change variable name from C to CR so we don't use c and C.
No functional change.

 M  +27 -30    kstviewobject.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/kst/kstviewobject.cpp #502441:502442
@@ -703,13 +703,10 @@
   //  from left-to-right and top-to-bottom based on the position
   //  of their top-left corner.
-  //kstdDebug() << "cleanup with w=" << w << " and h=" << h << endl;
-  //kstdDebug() << "columns=" << _columns  << endl;
   int plotLoc[rows*_columns]; // what plot lives at each grid location
   int unAssigned[cnt]; // what plots haven't got a home yet?
   int n_unassigned = 0;
-  int r,c, C;
+  int r,c, CR;
   for (int i=0; i<rows*_columns; i++) {
     plotLoc[i] = -1;
@@ -718,49 +715,49 @@
   // unless there is another plot which is closer, in which case the 
   // plot gets dumped into an un-assigned list for placement into a
   // random un-filled grid space.
-  // the Location is defined relative to the top left corner.
-  // QUESTION: should we use the center instead?
+  // the Location is defined relative to the left-middle.
+  // QUESTION: should we use the middle-middle instead?
   // NOTE: the choice of grid location assumes a regular grid, which is
-  // broken when surpressed axis/labels is taken into account.  This
-  // could have an effect if the plots are grown by >50%.  Using the center
-  // instead of the top left would reduce this...
+  // broken when supressed axis/labels are taken into account.  This
+  // could have an effect if the plots are grown by >50%.
   for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
-    //r = int(childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().y*rows+0.5);
-    r = int((childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().y+childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().h/2)*rows);
+    //r = int(childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().y*rows+0.5); //use top
+    r = int((childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().y+childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().h/2)*rows); // use center
     c = int(childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().x*_columns+0.5);
     if (c>=_columns) c = _columns-1;
     if (r>=rows) r = rows-1;
-    C = c + r*_columns;
+    CR = c + r*_columns;
     if (childrenCopy[i]->dirty()) { // newly added plots get no priority
       dirty = true;
       unAssigned[n_unassigned] = i;
-    } else if (plotLoc[C]<0) {
-      plotLoc[C] = i;
+    } else if (plotLoc[CR]<0) {
+      plotLoc[CR] = i;
     } else { // another plot is already at this grid point
       double d1, d2;
       // put the further of the two in the unassigned list
+      // use Manhatten distance.
       d1 = fabs(double(r) - childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().y*rows) + 
           fabs(double(c) - childrenCopy[i]->aspectRatio().x*_columns);
-      d2 = fabs(double(r) - childrenCopy[plotLoc[C]]->aspectRatio().y*rows) + 
-          fabs(double(c) - childrenCopy[plotLoc[C]]->aspectRatio().x*_columns);      
+      d2 = fabs(double(r) - childrenCopy[plotLoc[CR]]->aspectRatio().y*rows) + 
+          fabs(double(c) - childrenCopy[plotLoc[CR]]->aspectRatio().x*_columns);      
       if (d1>=d2) { 
         unAssigned[n_unassigned] = i;
       } else {
-        unAssigned[n_unassigned] = plotLoc[C];
-        plotLoc[C] = i;
+        unAssigned[n_unassigned] = plotLoc[CR];
+        plotLoc[CR] = i;
   // now dump the unassigned plots in random holes.
-  // FIXME: instead, dump them in the closest hole.
-  C = 0;
+  // Question: should be dump them in the closest holes?
+  CR = 0;
   for (int i=0; i<n_unassigned; i++) {
-    for (;plotLoc[C]!=-1; C++){};
-    plotLoc[C] = unAssigned[i];
+    for (;plotLoc[CR]!=-1; CR++){};
+    plotLoc[CR] = unAssigned[i];
   double HR[rows], sum_HR=0;
@@ -769,9 +766,9 @@
   for (r=0; r<rows; r++) {
     HR[r] = 10.0;
     for (c=0; c<_columns; c++) {
-      C = c + r*_columns;
-      if (plotLoc[C]>-1) {
-        hr = childrenCopy[plotLoc[C]]->verticalSizeFactor();
+      CR = c + r*_columns;
+      if (plotLoc[CR]>-1) {
+        hr = childrenCopy[plotLoc[CR]]->verticalSizeFactor();
         if (hr < HR[r]) {
           HR[r] = hr;
@@ -790,11 +787,11 @@
     //h = _geom.height() / rows;
     h = int(double(_geom.height()) * HR[r]/sum_HR);
     for (c=0; c<_columns; c++) {
-      C = c + r*_columns;
-      if (plotLoc[C] >=0) {
+      CR = c + r*_columns;
+      if (plotLoc[CR] >=0) {
         QSize sz(w, h);
-        r = C/_columns;
-        c = C%_columns;
+        r = CR/_columns;
+        c = CR%_columns;
         QPoint pt(w*c, y);
         // adjust the last column to be sure that we don't spill over
@@ -807,7 +804,7 @@
           sz.setHeight(_geom.height() - y);
-        ob = childrenCopy[plotLoc[C]];
+        ob = childrenCopy[plotLoc[CR]];

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