[Kst] branches/work/kst/hierarchy/kst/devel-docs

Eli Fidler eli at staikos.net
Tue Dec 5 18:28:26 CET 2006

SVN commit 610819 by fidler:

doc updates

display tag info

 M  +69 -30    objectnaming.txt  

--- branches/work/kst/hierarchy/kst/devel-docs/objectnaming.txt #610818:610819
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 All data objects (objects derived from KstObject) should be globally accessible
-in a hierarchical namespace. The general idea is to change tags to be a path
+from a hierarchical namespace. The general idea is to change tags to be a path
 instead of a simple name.
 A full path should uniquely specify a particular object in the hierarchy. We
-may use separate hierarchies for different object types to allow, for example,
-a plot and a curve to have the same name.
+use separate hierarchies for different object types to allow, for example,
+a vector and a string to have the same name.
 The relationship of a KstObject being below another KstObject in the hierarchy
 means that the parent object CREATED the child object. Note that this is not
@@ -16,17 +16,14 @@
 Level 0
-An implied single root with no name. It may be better to show Level 1 objects
-as multiple roots and have no Level 0 object.
+An implied single root with no name. It is probably better to show Level 1
+objects as multiple roots and have no Level 0 object.
 Level 1
-- Providers/Data Sources (e.g. KstDataSource::tagName()).
-  This tagName is not currently set to a useful value. By naming datasets, it
-  could be more straightforward to change which file is read for a particular
-  dataset.
-- Global constants. Perhaps a CONSTANTS namespace should be used (maybe with a
-  full hierarchy of constant types).
+- Providers/Data Sources.
+- Global constants. A CONSTANTS namespace can be used (maybe with a full
+  hierarchy of constant types).
 - Global (user-created) KstPrimitives
   - e.g. generated KstVector, KstMatrix
 - user-created KstDataObjects
@@ -47,14 +44,15 @@
 In labels, one can use the full path to specify a field (e.g.
-[DataSource1-Field1'-max]), or start with any globally-unique name and go from
-there, which is compatible with the current model (e.g. [Field1'-max]). Using
-'-' as a path separator allows compatibility with existing .kst files, but may
-cause conflicts with datasources using '-' within field names.
+[DataSource1/Field1/max]), or start with any globally-unique name and go from
+there, which is compatible with the current model (e.g. [Field1/max]). Using
+'/' as a path separator allows compatibility with existing .kst files, but will
+cause conflicts with datasources using '/' within field names. For now, I'm
+converting '/' to '-'.
 In addition to the global lists of scalars, vectors, matrices, etc., we can
-view the data as a single tree of KstObjects:
+view the data as a tree of KstObjects:
 - DataSource1
@@ -63,10 +61,10 @@
 - DataSource2
   + Field1
-  - Field1'
+  - Field1-2
     - min
-    - max         <========== [DataSource2-Field1'-max] or [Field1'-max]
+    - max         <========== [DataSource2/Field1-2/max] or [Field1-2/max]
   - Field2
     - min
@@ -81,21 +79,62 @@
     - units
     - description
-We could also have separate trees (or filter the single tree) to show only
-scalars or strings (or whatever) in an organized way.
+We have separate trees to show only scalars or strings (or whatever) in an
+organized way.
-Instead of tags being QString's, they are now KstObjectTag objects. These
-objects contain a QString tag (the lowest level part of the hierarchical tag)
-and a QStringList context. Static constant KstObjectTag::globalTagContext
-represents global tags (i.e. Level 1). KstObjectTag::constantTagContext represents a namespace
-for constants.
+Instead of tags being QStrings, they are now KstObjectTag objects. These
+objects contain a QString tag (the last part of the hierarchical tag) and a
+QStringList context. The static constant KstObjectTag::globalTagContext
+represents global tags (i.e. Level 1). KstObjectTag::constantTagContext
+represents a namespace for constants.
-The default constructor of KstObjectTag build an empty tag in the global
-namespace. Unless otherwise specified, the context is assumed to be the
-global context.
+For an empty tag in the global namespace, use KstObjectTag::invalidTag. Unless
+otherwise specified, the context is assumed to be the global context.
-A tag value of QString::null means that a globally-unique tag name
-should be automatically generated.
+Display Tags
+In situations where we display a flat list of object tags (i.e. the primitive
+selector comboboxes), we can use display tags. Inside a KstObjectTag there are
+two variables: _minDisplayComponents and _uniqueDisplayComponents.
+_minDisplayComponents is the minimum number of path components used to form the
+display tag. It is set by the user and has a default value of 1. When a tag is
+created in the context of another tag, the default value takes one components
+of the context tag.
+_uniqueDisplayComponents is the number of path components needed to ensure that
+the display tag is unique. It is kept up-to-date by the KstObjectCollection
+containing the KstObject.
+The display tag is formed by taking the last MAX(_minDisplayComponents,
+_uniqueDisplayComponents) components of the full tag.
+These 4 scalars exist in the system:
+	- The global constant CONST_PI. The full tag is "CONSTANTS/CONST_PI". The
+	  display tag is "CONST_PI".
+	- The Max scalar for field GYRO1 in datasource DS-dirfile1. The full tag is
+	  "DS-dirfile1/GYRO1/Max". Since the tag was created in the context of the
+	  GYRO1 vector's tag (DS-dirfile1/GYRO1), _minDisplayComponents is 2. The
+      display tag is "GYRO1/Max".
+	- The Max scalar for field GYRO2 in datasource DS-dirfile1. The full tag is
+	  "DS-dirfile1/GYRO2/Max". Again, _minDisplayComponents is 2. Since there
+	  is also a GYRO2 vector from datasource DS-dirfile2,
+	  _uniqueDisplayComponents is 3 (since "GYRO2/Max" is not unique).
+      Therefore, the display tag is "DS-dirfile1/GYRO2/Max".
+	- The Max scalar for field GYRO2 in datasource DS-dirfile2. The full tag is
+	  "DS-dirfile2/GYRO2/Max". The display tag is "DS-dirfile2/GYRO2/Max".
+The flat list of scalars will be:

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