[Kst] branches/work/kst/hierarchy/kst/src/plugins/linefit
Eli Fidler
eli at staikos.net
Tue Dec 5 18:00:10 CET 2006
SVN commit 610808 by fidler:
manually merge trunk changes 604960:609664 into hierarchy branch
M +7 -7 Makefile.am
A kstobject_linefit.desktop
M +146 -87 linefit.cpp
D linefit.xml
--- branches/work/kst/hierarchy/kst/src/plugins/linefit/Makefile.am #610807:610808
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-INCLUDES=-I$(srcdir)/../../../kst $(all_includes)
+INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir)/kst -I$(top_srcdir)/kst/src/widgets -I$(top_srcdir)/kst/src/libkst -I$(top_srcdir)/kst/src/libkstapp -I$(top_srcdir)/kst/src/libkstmath $(all_includes)
-linefit_la_LDFLAGS=-module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+kstobject_linefit_la_LDFLAGS=$(all_libraries) -module -avoid-version
--- branches/work/kst/hierarchy/kst/src/plugins/linefit/linefit.cpp #610807:610808
@@ -1,108 +1,167 @@
- * Line fitting plugin demo for KST.
- * Copyright 2003, The University of Toronto
- * Released under the terms of the GPL.
- *
- * Derived from Numerical Recipes in C, Press et al.
- */
+ linefit.cpp
+ -------------------
+ begin : 09/08/06
+ copyright : (C) 2006 The University of Toronto
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "linefit.h"
-#define X 0
-#define Y 1
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+static const QString& X_ARRAY = KGlobal::staticQString("X Array");
+static const QString& Y_ARRAY = KGlobal::staticQString("Y Array");
-extern "C" int linefit(const double *const inArrays[], const int inArrayLens[],
- const double is[],
- double *outArrays[], int outArrayLens[],
- double outScalars[]);
+static const QString& X_INTERPOLATED = KGlobal::staticQString("X Interpolated");
+static const QString& Y_INTERPOLATED = KGlobal::staticQString("Y Interpolated");
-int linefit(const double *const inArrays[], const int inArrayLens[],
- const double is[],
- double *outArrays[], int outArrayLens[],
- double outScalars[])
- int i = 0;
- double a = 0.0, b = 0.0, sx = 0.0, sy = 0.0, sxoss = 0.0, st2 = 0.0, chi2 = 0.0;
- double xScale;
+static const QString& A = KGlobal::staticQString("a");
+static const QString& B = KGlobal::staticQString("b");
+static const QString& CHI2 = KGlobal::staticQString("chi^2");
- if (is) {} /* don't warn */
- if (inArrayLens[Y] < 1 || inArrayLens[X] < 1) {
- return -1;
- }
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kstobject_linefit,
+ KGenericFactory<LineFit>( "kstobject_linefit" ) )
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (outArrayLens[i] != 2) {
- outArrays[i] = (double*)realloc(outArrays[i],
- 2*sizeof(double));
- outArrayLens[i] = 2;
- }
- }
+LineFit::LineFit( QObject */*parent*/, const char */*name*/, const QStringList &/*args*/ )
+ : KstBasicPlugin() {
- if (inArrayLens[Y] == 1) {
- outArrays[X][0] = inArrays[X][0];
- outArrays[X][1] = inArrays[X][inArrayLens[X] - 1];
- outArrays[Y][0] = inArrays[Y][0];
- outArrays[Y][1] = inArrays[Y][0];
- outScalars[0] = inArrays[Y][0];
- outScalars[1] = 0;
- outScalars[2] = chi2;
- return 0;
- }
- xScale = inArrayLens[X]/inArrayLens[Y];
+LineFit::~LineFit() {
- for (i = 0; i < inArrayLens[Y]; i++) {
- double z = xScale*i;
- long int idx = long(rint(z));
- double skew = z - floor(z); /* [0..1] */
- long int idx2 = idx + 1;
- sy += inArrays[Y][i];
- while (idx2 >= inArrayLens[Y]) {
- idx2--;
- }
- sx += inArrays[X][idx] + (inArrays[X][idx2] - inArrays[X][idx])*skew;
- }
- sxoss = sx / inArrayLens[X];
+bool LineFit::algorithm() {
+ int i = 0;
+ double a = 0.0, b = 0.0, sx = 0.0, sy = 0.0, sxoss = 0.0, st2 = 0.0, chi2 = 0.0;
+ double xScale;
- for (i = 0; i < inArrayLens[X]; i++) {
- double t = inArrays[X][i] - sxoss;
- st2 += t * t;
- b += t * inArrays[Y][i];
- }
+ KstVectorPtr xIn = inputVector(X_ARRAY);
+ KstVectorPtr yIn = inputVector(Y_ARRAY);
- b /= st2;
- a = (sy - sx*b)/inArrayLens[X];
+ KstVectorPtr xOut = outputVector(X_INTERPOLATED);
+ KstVectorPtr yOut = outputVector(Y_INTERPOLATED);
- /* could put goodness of fit, etc, in here */
+ KstScalarPtr _a = outputScalar(A);
+ KstScalarPtr _b = outputScalar(B);
+ KstScalarPtr _chi2 = outputScalar(CHI2);
- outArrays[X][0] = inArrays[X][0];
- outArrays[X][1] = inArrays[X][inArrayLens[X]-1];
- outArrays[Y][0] = a+b*outArrays[X][0];
- outArrays[Y][1] = a+b*outArrays[X][1];
+ if (yIn->length() < 1 || xIn->length() < 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
- for (i = 0; i < inArrayLens[X]; i++) {
- double z = xScale*i;
- long int idx = long(rint(z));
- double skew = z - floor(z); /* [0..1] */
- long int idx2 = idx + 1;
- double newX;
- double ci;
- while (idx2 >= inArrayLens[X]) {
- idx2--;
- }
- newX = inArrays[X][idx] + (inArrays[X][idx2] - inArrays[X][idx])*skew;
- ci = inArrays[Y][i] - a - b*newX;
- chi2 += ci*ci;
- }
+ if (xOut->length() != 2) {
+ xOut->resize( 2, false );
+ }
+ if (yOut->length() != 2) {
+ yOut->resize( 2, false );
+ }
- outScalars[0] = a;
- outScalars[1] = b;
- outScalars[2] = chi2;
+ if (yIn->length() == 1) {
+ xOut->value()[0] = xIn->value()[0];
+ xOut->value()[1] = xIn->value()[xIn->length() - 1];
+ yOut->value()[0] = yIn->value()[0];
+ yOut->value()[1] = yIn->value()[0];
+ _a->setValue( yIn->value()[0] );
+ _b->setValue( 0 );
+ _chi2->setValue( chi2 );
+ return true;
+ }
- return 0;
+ xScale = xIn->length()/yIn->length();
+ for (i = 0; i < yIn->length(); i++) {
+ double z = xScale*i;
+ long int idx = long(rint(z));
+ double skew = z - floor(z); /* [0..1] */
+ long int idx2 = idx + 1;
+ sy += yIn->value()[i];
+ while (idx2 >= yIn->length()) {
+ idx2--;
+ }
+ sx += xIn->value()[idx] + (xIn->value()[idx2] - xIn->value()[idx])*skew;
+ }
+ sxoss = sx / xIn->length();
+ for (i = 0; i < xIn->length(); i++) {
+ double t = xIn->value()[i] - sxoss;
+ st2 += t * t;
+ b += t * yIn->value()[i];
+ }
+ b /= st2;
+ a = (sy - sx*b)/xIn->length();
+ /* could put goodness of fit, etc, in here */
+ xOut->value()[0] = xIn->value()[0];
+ xOut->value()[1] = xIn->value()[xIn->length()-1];
+ yOut->value()[0] = a+b*xOut->value()[0];
+ yOut->value()[1] = a+b*xOut->value()[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < xIn->length(); i++) {
+ double z = xScale*i;
+ long int idx = long(rint(z));
+ double skew = z - floor(z); /* [0..1] */
+ long int idx2 = idx + 1;
+ double newX;
+ double ci;
+ while (idx2 >= xIn->length()) {
+ idx2--;
+ }
+ newX = xIn->value()[idx] + (xIn->value()[idx2] - xIn->value()[idx])*skew;
+ ci = yIn->value()[i] - a - b*newX;
+ chi2 += ci*ci;
+ }
+ _a->setValue( a );
+ _b->setValue( b );
+ _chi2->setValue( chi2 );
+ return true;
+QStringList LineFit::inputVectorList() const {
+ return QStringList( X_ARRAY ) << Y_ARRAY;
+QStringList LineFit::inputScalarList() const {
+ return QStringList();
+QStringList LineFit::inputStringList() const {
+ return QStringList();
+QStringList LineFit::outputVectorList() const {
+QStringList LineFit::outputScalarList() const {
+ return QStringList( A ) << B << CHI2;
+QStringList LineFit::outputStringList() const {
+ return QStringList();
+#include "linefit.moc"
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