[Kst] extragear/graphics/kst/src/libkstapp

Duncan Hanson duncan.hanson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 23:28:20 CEST 2006

SVN commit 569079 by dhanson:

BUG:131740 correct for cases of even height/width.

 M  +15 -14    kstgfxmousehandlerutils.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/graphics/kst/src/libkstapp/kstgfxmousehandlerutils.cpp #569078:569079
@@ -109,32 +109,33 @@
   QRect newSize(originalSize);
   if (movePoint.y() == anchorPoint.y()) {
-      int newWidth = pos.x() - anchorPoint.x() + 1; // +1 for the way widths are defined in QRect.
+      int newWidth = pos.x() - anchorPoint.x(); //defined differently than in QRect.
       if (maintainAspect) {
-        double newHalfHeight = originalSize.height() * abs(newWidth) / originalSize.width() / 2.0;
+        double newHalfHeight = originalSize.height() * (abs(newWidth) + 1) / originalSize.width() / 2.0; //defined with the QRect convention (height = bot - top + 1)
-        newHalfHeight = kMin(double(movePoint.y() - bounds.top() + 1), newHalfHeight); // ensure we are still within the bounds.
-        newHalfHeight = kMin(double(bounds.bottom() - movePoint.y() + 1), newHalfHeight);
+        newHalfHeight = kMin(double(movePoint.y() - bounds.top()) + 1, newHalfHeight); // ensure we are still within the bounds.
+        newHalfHeight = kMin(double(bounds.bottom() - movePoint.y()) + 1, newHalfHeight);
         if (newWidth == 0) { // anything better to be done?
           newWidth = 1;
-        newWidth = int(originalSize.width() * newHalfHeight * 2.0 / originalSize.height() * newWidth / abs(newWidth)); // consistency of width w/ the newly calculated height.
-        newSize.setTop(anchorPoint.y() + int(newHalfHeight));
-        newSize.setBottom(anchorPoint.y() - int(newHalfHeight));
+        newWidth = (int(originalSize.width() * (newHalfHeight * 2.0) / originalSize.height()) - 1)*newWidth/abs(newWidth); // consistency of width w/ the newly calculated height.
+        newSize.setTop(anchorPoint.y() + int(newHalfHeight - 0.5));
+        newSize.setBottom(anchorPoint.y() - int(newHalfHeight - 0.5));
-      newSize.setWidth(newWidth);
+      newSize.setRight(anchorPoint.x() + newWidth); // +1 for the way widths are defined in QRect.
     } else if (movePoint.x() == anchorPoint.x()) {
       // mimic the case for (movePoint.y() == anchorPoint.y()). comments are there.
-      int newHeight = pos.y() - anchorPoint.y() + 1;
+      int newHeight = pos.y() - anchorPoint.y();
       if (maintainAspect) {
-        double newHalfWidth = originalSize.width() * abs(newHeight) / originalSize.height() / 2.0;
+        double newHalfWidth = originalSize.width() * (abs(newHeight) + 1) / originalSize.height() / 2.0;
         newHalfWidth = kMin(double(movePoint.x() - bounds.left() + 1), newHalfWidth);
         newHalfWidth = kMin(double(bounds.right() - movePoint.x() + 1), newHalfWidth);
@@ -143,13 +144,13 @@
           newHeight = 1;
-        newHeight = int(originalSize.height() * newHalfWidth * 2.0 / originalSize.width() * newHeight / abs(newHeight));
-        newSize.setLeft(anchorPoint.x() + int(newHalfWidth));
-        newSize.setRight(anchorPoint.x() - int(newHalfWidth));
+        newHeight = (int(originalSize.height() * newHalfWidth * 2.0 / originalSize.width()) - 1)*newHeight/abs(newHeight);
+        newSize.setLeft(anchorPoint.x() + int(newHalfWidth - .5));
+        newSize.setRight(anchorPoint.x() - int(newHalfWidth - .5));
-      newSize.setHeight(newHeight);
+      newSize.setBottom(anchorPoint.y() + newHeight);
     newSize = newSize.normalize();

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