[Kst] Old datasource...

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Wed Oct 12 14:21:16 CEST 2005

Right, I understand why there was this symbol error : I am actually installing kst from svn HEAD into a separate (i.e. independent from the KDE base) directory, but kst 1.1.0 is already installed in the base KDE, so that paths pointed to kst 1.1.0 includes/libs before those from svn. Since finding the right way to change path orders wasn't so easy (any help appreciated here !), I copied and changed the two commands manually (compile and link), and now I get the message George was probably expecting:

"12/10/2005 14:18 Erreur lors du chargement du module externe [kstdata_resb] de source de données : Plugin is too old and needs to be recompiled."

The problem is that I have just recompiled it, and I don't know where it gets the version number from to understand where to fix this.

Thanks for your help,


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