[Kst] [Bug 116824] Entering timezone information could be simpler

Barth Netterfield netterfield at physics.utoronto.ca
Tue Nov 29 19:13:42 CET 2005

The UI is Really Nice! almost perfect.

The only worry I have is that the UTC entry in the combo box is changed when 
the spin box is edited, making it imposible to change back to UTC.  You can 
change to UTC+0000 by changing the spin box, but it looks like "UTC" is 
forever banished.

Could we make it so that changing the spinbox for the first time adds a 
"UTC+????" entry, leaving the UTC entry unmollested?

Also, as a subtle and possibly unfixable issue: what is being done with 
timezones?  UTC+0500 is not the same as EST5EDT (which I assume is what you 
get from America/New York) but changing the spinbox makes it look like it 
might be.

On November 28, 2005 02:48 pm, Andrew Walker wrote:
> BUG:116824 Fix problem with entering timezone information, so that it is
> now much simpler for the typical user.

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