[Kst] Questions about KstMatrix

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Wed Jul 27 23:55:05 CEST 2005

I started to write the bindings for KstMatrix and I've found somethings that I 
think are a bit unusual.  KstMatrix still doesn't really look like a 
"matrix".  It seems to be vector with different accessors, but conceptually 
we think of it as a matrix.  For instance:
    // for resizing the internal array _z only
    virtual bool resize(int sz, bool reinit = true);

   This is a public method that talks about internals.  I think this should 
go, and we should have something more like:

    virtual bool resize(int xsz, int ysz, bool reinit = true);

    An internal method could resize the array directly if there is a reason 
for it.

    Also the talk of "Z" everywhere is a bit confusing.  Maybe we can come up 
with some better terminology?  I think even minValue() and maxValue() are 

    The value functions work differently than the KstVector ones:
          bool value(double x, double y, double& z);
    vs:   double value(int i);

    I think value() should look more like:
          double value(double x, double y, bool *ok = 0L);

    Are there any particular reasons why these were implemented the way they 

George Staikos
KDE Developer				http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.		http://www.staikos.net/

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