[Kst] www/areas/extragear/apps/kst/kstscript/docs

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Mon Dec 19 07:31:23 CET 2005

SVN commit 489575 by staikos:

update docs

 M  +3 -3      scriptgui.html  

--- trunk/www/areas/extragear/apps/kst/kstscript/docs/scriptgui.html #489574:489575
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@
-	This is a global object that provides access to the main Kst window.
+	This is an object that provides access to the main Kst window.
 	It represents the GUI and can be walked like a DOM.  This object uses
 	KJSEmbed auto-bindings, and is not guaranteed to be compatible across
 	KDE or Kst versions.  You must look for what you want in the object
-	before calling it.  Example:  <code>kst.close();</code>
+	before calling it.  Example:  <code>Kst.gui.close();</code>

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