[Kst] looking good but...

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Tue Aug 2 20:17:33 CEST 2005

>    KST is in the "OK" stage for most of these except the 'beautiful
> plots' criterion.  In particular, the EPS exporter merely jams a bitmap
> into an EPS file - what's the point of that?  Are there any plans to
> make the EPS exporter produce vector code? Why does the color not appear
> in an EPS plot?

With respect to the eps exporter, this is a bug.  Can you submit a bug report?  
(Help->submit bug, or some such).

In the mean time, you can print the image to a .ps file, which is vector code, 
and is in colour (assuming you set your options correctly).


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