[Kst] Plot manager...

Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Thu Sep 9 17:31:47 CEST 2004

On Monday 06 September 2004 21:24, Andrew Walker wrote:
> Would a plot manager be any of use? It could be analagous to the data
> manager, but would display windows and plots (and possibly curves), rather
> than data objects and vectors. The context menues would allow you to move
> plots from one window to another, close windows, delete plots, etc.
Thas goes in the direction of one of my earlier proposals (e-mail "Suggestions 
for datawizard and quicklayout widget" sent to the list August 4th 2004). But 
after using kst for more time, I have come to believe this is not the highest 
priority as there are already many quite efficient ways of reorganizing 
I will file 2 new wishes (regarding the "Content" tab of the plot dialog and 
the possibility to drag&drop curves) that if implemented would obsolete this 
need... Stay tuned :-)


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