[Kst] Updated Release Schedule

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Thu Oct 28 18:07:35 CEST 2004

It's time to update the release schedule for Kst 1.0.0 :)

Due to unforeseen circumstances (bugs), I can't get the last few i18n changes 
in by tomorrow so we need to push the string freeze to perhaps Monday.  That 
means we can release 1.0.0 ~November 9th.  If all goes well, I'll branch CVS 
on Nov 2 or 3.  We'll have a kst_1_0_branch and eventually a 
kst_1_0_0_release tag.  I propose at this point that we send all fixes to the 
mailing list with "Subject: [PATCH] fix xxxx" for review so that we have a 
relatively stable 1.0.0 release.  No code should go into HEAD.  I'll forward 
port all of the fixes when we open HEAD for new development again.

Meanwhile, I think we should keep HEAD frozen for a while and work on filling 
out the testcases and adding a more robust regression testing system (more to 
come on this later).

Beyond that, we will have two branches of Kst active.  Here are the commit 

	- for upcoming x.y.0 releases
	- if y != 0, then binary incompatible commits are not allowed for public 
interfaces of any sort
	- i18n() changes are allowed
	- new features
	- all bug fixes
	- all testing updates
	- all documentation updates

	- kst_x_y_branch
	- no i18n() changes allowed
	- no binary incompatible changes allowed
	- no new features allowed
	- appropriate and safe bug fixes
	- no doc changes

The next releases will be 1.0.1 in BRANCH, and 1.1.0 in HEAD.  I think we 
should target mid-December for 1.1.0.  1.0.x releases can be very rapid.  
Just tell me we need a new release with the bugfixes in the branch and I can 
make it.

HFI should only be using a branch.

If any project (such as HFI) needs features rapidly, a branch of the stable 
branch of Kst should be made to add the features.  Once complete, they can be 
merged into HEAD.  (Hint: use tags to make your life easier)

How does all of this sound?

George Staikos
KDE Developer				http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.		http://www.staikos.net/

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