[Kst] [Bug 85676] Wish for 0.99/1.0: allow datasources to have
configuration dialog/settings
Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Tue Oct 19 10:57:02 CEST 2004
On Tuesday 19 October 2004 08:07, George Staikos wrote:
> Already started, almost there. I just need to sort out a layouting issue.
Once it is possible to configure the datasources, you may want to merge some
code I wrote for a in-house ASCII format which uses fixed columns into the
general ASCII datasource. It is pretty trivial but if it can save you a
couple of hours or even minutes, that's so much more for the other
bugs/features :-)
I adapted the base ASCII source, but to make it as fast as possible in the
case of fixed width columns (pretty common I suppose) I use 2 things:
- fixed column width (13 characters in my case, will have to be configurable)
allows to compute the offset from the beginning of a record/line and atof()
whole blocks
- there are no comments beyond the header lines (4 lines in my case), so that
we can directly call atof() and do not need to parse the whole file character
by character.
I attach the codes (see.h and see.cpp) since I'll be on vacation next week and
that may be when you want to look at it.
The configuration options I'd suggest for the ASCII datasource are (George,
make sure your mechanism allows this :-)):
- number of header lines to skip
- line number in which to look for variable names
- (optional) "units in separate line" checkbox and line number for units if
they should be used
- "non-standard separator" checkbox and lineedit for either a regexp or a
character to use as field separator (either complete file or only header ?),
by default, use one or more spaces, tab, or ;
- whether the format is fixed width and if so, spinbox for the corresponding
number of characters
- whether to expect embedded comments past the header (which means different
parsing), and possibly a list of comment characters (#, //, ...) - I suppose
it is enough to detect lines beginning with these characters and that should
be treated as comments, but I fear there are people out there with files
containing non-numbers in some columns, which could mean trouble...
Of course, it should be possible to save these options. The best would be to
be able to store sets of options with a name and associated file extension
that we can recall later, but I think this can be seen as optional for
now :-)
It looks like some work, but I think it is really worth it having a great
ASCII datasource as most people will have ASCII files or can easily create
them, though with some specificities... and none of my colleagues would
really like to have only numbers as variable names !
Note that I you had probably guessed I am willing to help with that datasource
(albeit from Nov. 4th, which may be too late for 1.0 ?).
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