[Kst] FWD: DCOP Suggested functions

Rick Chern rchern at interchange.ubc.ca
Thu Jun 10 18:48:11 CEST 2004

Here are a few other ones:

  //be able to create all types of data objects.

  //create new histogram object.  Will not be plotted; use
  //addCurveToPlot to plot all data objects.
  virtual bool createHistogram(const QString& vector,
                     double min,
                   double max,
                   int numBins,
                   int normalizationType) = 0;

  //create new equation object.  Will not be plotted.
  virtual bool createEquation(const QString& xvector,
                    const QString& equation) = 0;

  //create new event
  virtual bool createEvent(const QString& expression,
                 const QString& description,
               int debugLogType,
               const QString& email) = 0;

  //create new power spectrum
  virtual bool createPowerSpectrum(const QString& vector,
                     bool appodize,
                   bool removeMean,
                   double fftLength,
                   const QString& rateUnits,
                   double sample rate,
                   const QString& vectorUnits) = 0;

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