[Kst] 0.99 Plans

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Jul 15 23:05:00 CEST 2004

On July 15, 2004 04:19 pm, you wrote:
> On Thursday 15 July 2004 13:42, Barth Netterfield wrote:
> > Except for some bugs, 0.98 is looking pretty good.  I wanted to start a
> > discussion on our plans for the near future.  Here is what I propose:
>    Most of which are fixed now, right?

Progress has been very good.

>     I was thinking about this policy earlier this week too.  We definitely
> have to do this if we want to see stability at some point.  Now, do we want
> to branch CVS into "stable" and "head"?

After 1.0, we should.  Let's talk then.

> >   -Dialogs: Barth
>    And plotting algorithm?


>     Ok, I'm basically unavailable for 2-3 weeks as of Aug 19.  That gives 4
> days of slip.

OK.  2 weeks of feature freeze seems engough still, but we can't slip.

> > -Filter sets	(George to (re)write the class; UI TBD)
>    class design depends on our "philosophy" here so I won't touch it until
> we have a plan written out.

Let's talk, then we can email out a proposal.  I talked a bunch with Andrew in 

> > - Kst Settings reportedly don't work (can someone explain?)
>    Colours are almost in place, but does the update timer work again?  If
> so, we can make this more specific now.

Update timer worked last time I checked (last week).

> > - locking is missing in places - especially dialogs (plugin, etc) (Can
> > 	  George verify this?)
>    George can verify this is broken.

OK... Can you send me one example as an example, then I will go throught and 
find more examples.

> > - Deleting a window doesn't properly delete plots, leading to orphaned
> > objects.
>    I think it does properly delete them.  The problem is that the reference
> counting is not quite in "sync".  This one needs much more investigation.

~KstTopLevelView() doesn't seem to get called.

> > - invalid memory accesses on closing the data wizard - Qt bug?
>    I've spent hours on this one today and it seems to be related to the
> embedded file dialog changes.  I'm getting tired of chasing this one and I
> think we should consider not messing with the layout and just using a .ui
> file.

Yes Please.

> > - flicker was reintroduced (see layout mode for an example)
>    Still no response on this one.  I know that the commit that triggered it
> happened on either Tuesday or Wednesday though.
> > o the common implemented functionality for data dialogs may need a
> > rethink - it's impossible to override behaviour of functions (Please
> > Explain)
>   We had discussed making a common base class with a Designer plugin....


> > o deleting a piolib database crashes kst (George - on hold until piolib
> > works) - More bugs are at bugs.kde.
>    I think I should be able to tackle this one again, though I may have
> fixed it already as a side effect of some other fixes.
> > o The kdeextragear build system makes 3.1 compat hard/problem prone.
>    I can build a new system for kdeextragear if you think it's worth it.  I
> tried to fight this change but was overruled.

Let's talk.

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