[Kst] kdeextragear-2/kst/kst

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Thu Jul 15 04:33:18 CEST 2004

Can you give me more detail on this change?  I'm worried that it will cause 
flicker in realtime mode.  I spent lots of time trying to remove flicker in 
this area, which is what the clip region is for.  Qt documentation backs this 
up.  See:
 revision 1.42
date: 2004/06/15 20:28:18;  author: staikos;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -2
get rid of a lot of flicker - there's still some in the layout code though.

(cvs annotations are how you find out which revisions that line came from)

--- kstviewwidget.cpp   12 Jul 2004 16:51:30 -0000      1.48
+++ kstviewwidget.cpp   15 Jul 2004 01:17:44 -0000      1.49
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "kstplotdrag.h"
 #include "ksttoplevelview.h"
 #include "kstviewwidget.h"
+#include "kstsettings.h"

 KstViewWidget::KstViewWidget(KstTopLevelViewPtr view, QWidget *parent, const 
char *name, WFlags w)
 : QWidget(parent, name, WStyle_Customize | w), _view(view), _menu(0L) {
@@ -38,7 +39,8 @@ KstViewWidget::KstViewWidget(KstTopLevel
-  setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground);
+  setBackgroundMode(Qt::FixedColor);
+  setPaletteBackgroundColor(KstSettings::globalSettings()->backgroundColor);

On Wednesday 14 July 2004 21:17, Andrew Walker wrote:
> CVS commit by arwalker:
> This removes additional redraws that would happen every time a plot was
> printed or exported. The technique now is to modify all the values of _geom
> more carefully, so that before and after the print/export operation they
> are guarenteed to be the same, which gets rid of the need for a redraw.
> The only problem encountered was with kst2dPlot::xInternalAlignment() which
> would reduce the size of the back-buffer every time a repaint is done.
> During printing this would cause the buffer to shrink in size, and so not
> all of the plot would be subsequently redrawn following the print. I
> addressed this by not calling xInternalAlignment() during a print or export
> operation.
>   M +4 -8      kst.cpp   1.186
>   M +41 -51    kst2dplot.cpp   1.147
>   M +1 -1      kst2dplot.h   1.62
>   M +4 -2      kstlabel.cpp   1.33
>   M +17 -2     ksttoplevelview.cpp   1.60
>   M +2 -0      ksttoplevelview.h   1.35
>   M +29 -4     kstviewobject.cpp   1.78
>   M +5 -0      kstviewobject.h   1.63
>   M +3 -1      kstviewwidget.cpp   1.49
>   M +8 -14     kstviewwindow.cpp   1.23
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George Staikos
KDE Developer				http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.		http://www.staikos.net/

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