[Kst] ascii datasource config "patch"

Famille Brisset les.brisset at free.fr
Sat Dec 18 17:01:16 CET 2004


I had hoped to finish this before the Christmas vacation and send a 
complete and working patch, but I didn't make it. I have just seen you 
are working on the ascii datasource as well so I believe I'd better send 
what I currently have. I can't finish my work right now or in the coming 
days, nor make a real patch but I suppose you'll manage to do something 
with my files are changes are all local to the ascii datasource.
It basically implements all that I suggested in past mails to the list, 
except for units in a different line than variables, which is not yet 
implemented (I wanted to add them in parentheses when building the field 
list so that the vectors have them in their names and curves in their 
legends, and strip them off when mapping field names to column numbers 
in readField).
There are also still problems in readField(...) with the "free format" 
option. I was trying to figure out how it previously worked. There are 
so many tests in there that I was 1) having a hard time understanding 
how it works and 2) wondering whether it could be optimised.
Note that even though there are 3 data formatting options in the UI, I 
was planning to implement "free format" and "custom delimiter" in the 
same way as the custom delimiter regexp includes spaces and tabs as 
well. I think the UI is easiest to understand for most users as it is 
now, but some of you might disagree. The common implementation may need 
to be changed, particularly for performance reasons, but I did not have 
time to investigate enough. As I suppose you have much clearer ideas as 
to how to write file reading efficiently, I think it's good that you 
have a look at it yourself anyway :-)

I hope you can make something out of my contribution.


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