[Kst] Timing functions...

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Wed Dec 15 21:29:41 CET 2004

Good idea, I think.  But maybe not so critical, if nothing else is going on on 
the machine.  I see ~1% scatter in the answers on ~controlled rerun.

The good thing about clock is that it doesn't tell us about time taken in the 
other thread.
The bad thing about clock is that it doesn't tell us about time taken in the 
other thread.

If I get to it, I'll make a class ksttime which uses clock and has start and 
elapsed, so we can change nothing except the declarations in the existing 

On December 15, 2004 03:13 pm, Andrew Walker wrote:
> Rather than using QTimer for benchmarking would it not be more accurate
> to use the clock() function, as this measures elapsed CPU time for the
> current process, rather than absolute elapsed time (which I would imagine
> can vary wildly depending on what else the processor feels like doing).
> Andrew
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