[Kst] Packages uploaded

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Thu Sep 25 04:36:30 CEST 2003

Kst 0.92 packages have been uploaded to ftp.kde.org.  Hopefully they'll be 
online tomorrow.  I uploaded SRPMs for SuSE and RedHat, and a tarball that 
slightly differs from the one on utoronto.ca.  I had to change the tarball to 
get it to build RPMs properly, and I used cvs2dist so that it made a cleaner 
package.  They should contain exactly what is in the tag in CVS, 

I can't build clean RPMs right now because I use heavily modified distros, and 
furthermore I don't think anyone wants powerpc yellowdog binaries, especially 
with gcc 2.95 compatibility.  If anyone else wants to build the RPMs, please 
feel free.  The RedHat SRPM should build on Mandrake also, though the menu 
entry could conceivably be broken on both of them (untested).

If someone really wants SuSE 8.2 RPMs, those I can build cleanly against the 
basic install of SuSE.

George Staikos
KDE Developer				http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.		http://www.staikos.net/

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