[Ksecretservice-devel] Preparing for a quite large commit
Valentin Rusu
kde at rusu.info
Thu Oct 14 14:10:05 CEST 2010
For ACL handling a new CreateCollectionJob calling path parameter is needed
- the PeerInfo. This class is initialized by the Service::CreateCollection
d-bus exposed method with d-bus contextual information. This structure needs
to be given to all CreateCollectionJobs along with the existing parameters
(label and locked). So it will finally reach the ACL handling job I intend
to create.
This kind of code refactoring involves lots of files, though the behaviour
is typically not affected. In order to simplify future refactoring on the
CreateCollectionJobs, I prefered to create a helper structure named
CreateCollectionInfo, wich will have three members as of now : the label,
the locked flag and the PerrInfo pointer. In the event some other
information may be needed to be given along CreateCollectionJobs path, it
would take only a member addition into this structure.
Finally, here is the current git stauts of my local copy :
# On branch acl
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: frontend/secret/adaptors/dbusstrings.h
# new file: frontend/secret/peer.cpp
# new file: frontend/secret/peer.h
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
# modified: CMakeLists.txt
# modified: backend/backendcollectionmanager.h
# modified: backend/backendjob.cpp
# modified: backend/backendjob.h
# modified: backend/backendmaster.cpp
# modified: backend/backendmaster.h
# modified: backend/ksecret/ksecretcollection.cpp
# modified: backend/ksecret/ksecretcollectionmanager.cpp
# modified: backend/ksecret/ksecretcollectionmanager.h
# modified: backend/ksecret/ksecretjobs.cpp
# modified: backend/ksecret/ksecretjobs.h
# modified: backend/temporary/temporarycollectionmanager.cpp
# modified: backend/temporary/temporarycollectionmanager.h
# modified: backend/temporary/temporaryjobs.cpp
# modified: backend/temporary/temporaryjobs.h
# modified: backend/tests/backendtest.cpp
# modified: backend/tests/ksecrettest.cpp
# modified: frontend/CMakeLists.txt
# modified: frontend/secret/service.cpp
# modified: frontend/secret/service.h
# modified: frontend/secret/session.cpp
# modified: frontend/secret/session.h
# modified: frontend/tests/tempblockingcollectionmanager.cpp
# modified: frontend/tests/tempblockingcollectionmanager.h
# modified: frontend/tests/tempblockingjobs.cpp
# modified: frontend/tests/tempblockingjobs.h
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# .kdev_include_paths
# backend/kwl/
# cd
# doc/
# irc-20100905
# ksecretserviced.desktop
# testclient/
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