[virus_warningzzz] [Kroupware] Kolab v1.0.4 - Doc's etc

Mark Whittington mark.whittington at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Mar 25 00:54:57 CET 2004


Thanks for responding so quickly and answering my questions so promptly. 
However, I still have one more dumb question.

I seem to recall reading on this list that a default set of mailboxes 
(i.e. Inbox subfolders) are automatically created when a user logs on 
for the first time. Now, to be honest this doesn't make a create deal of 
sense to me and I probably misunderstood the previous thread, but I was 
always under the impression that additional Cyrus IMAP mailboxes could 
either be created by the mbx "owner", anyone who has at least "create" 
access, or a Cyrus IMAP admin. Therefore, and taking my assumption onto 
the next (il)logical step, I am also assuming that the default set of 
mbx folders (i.e. Contact, Calender, Tasks, etc) have to also be created.

Is this true? If so (and this is the dumb part of the question) what are 
the default set of mailboxes that should be created for each user?

Thanks all once again.

Take care


Jeffrey Lim wrote:

> Shippers wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Sorry to trouble you all but I was wondering if you could help a 
>> Kolab virgin? I've just  installed the ZFOS 1.0.4 but am not a 100% 
>> sure if the install was fully successful (i.e. admin front-end 
>> missing functionality - such as the ability to set quotas etc & users 
>> Inbox folder structure not defined) therefore I was wondering if 
>> someone could tell me if there's any (Kolab specific) doc's (please 
>> note that I have read & re-read the excellent doc's on the home site) 
>> installed as part of the Kolab server installation routine? I've 
>> looked in the ussual dirs with no joy.
> this is the standard front-end - i have it too.
> -Jeffrey
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