[Kroupware] Anybody using updated openpkg packages?

Jeffrey Lim jeffrey at eaopportunities.com
Wed Mar 3 05:57:18 CET 2004

hi folks, i'm just wondering - has anybody tried using updated openpkg 
rpms instead of the ones provided at 

Reason i ask is, i dont feel too comfortable running outdated packages 
on my system - _especially_ when i know that security updates have come 
out - eg. apache 1.3.27.

vv---- (ZFOS stuff) ----vv

Another question - has anybody had any success at the ZFOS distribution? 
I tried installing that, and everything went just about smoothly (save a 
few customizations i had to make for my own distro, slackware), but when 
i tried to start kolab ("/etc/rc.d/kolab start"), i discovered that 
somehow, ALL the services were started listening to! Fine, but 
what about apache? Apache was not listening at 443 as well, even though 
the configuration of kolab is to be done over https. I don't exactly 
fancy going through each and every service to do up its config file 
(isn't that what kolab was invented for???), so...

As a "quick fix", I tried copying over 
/kolab/etc/kolab/httpd.conf.template over to 
/kolab/etc/apache/apache.conf, but... no luck. Anybody any ideas? Is 
there help beyond the instructions given at 
www.codefusion.co.za/kolab.html? I was sort of expecting things to at 
least "work out of the box" after the bootstrapping.


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