[Kroupware] Proftpd the fun never ends... (very long)

Timotheus Pokorra Timotheus at Pokorra.de
Fri Feb 27 14:46:04 CET 2004


I had the problem that I forgot to open the ftp-data port in the
firewall, not only the ftp port.
Could that be the same problem?


On 27/2/2004, "Ian Reinhart Geiser" <ian at geiseri.com> wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Okay its that time of the week and im back to trying to make proftp work
>again.  I have beat and beat on the proftpd setup and im stuck at the point
>where i can log in as my user, but i cannot under any circumstances read the
>freebusy lists, or even list the directory.  Its almost as if the config file
>is ignored... but i can log in via ldap so its not completely ignored...
>Needless to say, my proftpd.tempate looks like this:
>ServerType            standalone
>DefaultServer         on
>Port                  21
>PersistentPasswd      off
>LDAPServer            @@@ldap_ip@@@
>LDAPDNinfo            "@@@php_dn@@@" "@@@php_pw@@@"
>LDAPDoAuth            on "@@@base_dn@@@" "(uid=%v)"
># need to switch over to kolab-n !!
>ScoreBoardFile        /kolab/var/proftpd/score
>DebugLevel 9
>LDAPDefaultUID        1012
>LDAPForceDefaultUID   on
>LDAPDefaultGID        1012
>LDAPForceDefaultGID   on
>LDAPHomedirOnDemand             on
>LDAPHomedirOnDemandPrefix       /tmp
>MaxInstances          40
>User                  kolab-n
>Group                 kolab-n
>Umask                 022
>UseReverseDNS         off
>MultilineRFC2228      on
>ShowSymlinks          on
>AllowOverwrite        on
>RequireValidShell     no
>ListOptions           "" strict
>TimeoutLogin          60
>TimeoutNoTransfer     60
>TimeoutStalled        60
>TimeoutIdle           60
>LogFormat             default "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
>LogFormat             auth    "%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
>LogFormat             write   "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
>SystemLog             /kolab/var/proftpd/proftpd.log
>DefaultRoot           /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy
>#DefaultChdir         /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy
>    IdentLookups      off
>    DeferWelcome      off
>    WTmpLog           off
><Directory /*>
>    AllowOverwrite    on
>        AllowAll
>    </Limit>
>    <Limit DIRS>
>        IgnoreHidden  on
>        DenyAll
>    </Limit>
>And the log of what happend when a user from outlook tries to get the vfb file
>is below:
>Feb 27 08:33:46 eris proftpd[25169] eris: ProFTPD 1.2.8 (stable) (built Fri
>Feb 6 10:20:27 EST 2004) standalone mode STARTUP
>Feb 27 08:33:46 eris proftpd[25169] eris: received SIGHUP -- master server
>rehashing configuration file
>Feb 27 08:34:13 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): connected -
>local  :
>Feb 27 08:34:13 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): connected -
>remote :
>Feb 27 08:34:13 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FTP session
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_auth
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "endpwent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "endgrent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_ratio
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_auth
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): no
>supplemental groups found for user 'ian at geiseri.com'
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1465
>Feb 27 08:34:16 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'USER ian at geiseri.com' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "endpwent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "endgrent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): no
>supplemental groups found for user 'ian at geiseri.com'
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1465
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "gid_name" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_file
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_unix
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "auth" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "check" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "setgrent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ROOT PRIVS at
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:492
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): USER PRIVS
>1012 at mod_auth.c:995
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:997
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): Config for
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): /*
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  Limit
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):   DenyAll
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  Limit
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):   AllowAll
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  Umask
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  ShowSymlinks
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  ListOptions
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):  WtmpLog
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): DefaultServer
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): LDAPServer
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): LDAPDNInfo
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): LDAPDoAuth
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): DebugLevel
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): UserID
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): UserName
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): GroupID
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): GroupName
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): Umask
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ShowSymlinks
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ListOptions
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): TimeoutLogin
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): TimeoutIdle
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): DefaultRoot
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): IdentLookups
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): DeferWelcome
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): WtmpLog
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): USER
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]):
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): USER
>ian at geiseri.com: Login successful.
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ROOT PRIVS at
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): opening
>TransferLog '/var/log/xferlog'
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1095
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): USER PRIVS
>1012 at mod_auth.c:622
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:626
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "setpwent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "setgrent" to module mod_ldap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getpwent" to module mod_auth_file
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgrent" to module mod_auth_file
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>auth request "getgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): Preparing to
>chroot() the environment, path = '/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy'
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ROOT PRIVS at
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system chroot()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): RELINQUISH
>PRIVS at mod_auth.c:69
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): Environment
>successfully chroot()ed.
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): ROOT PRIVS at
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): SETUP PRIVS
>at mod_auth.c:1143
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): unable to
>chdir to /tmp/ian at geiseri.com (No such file or directory), defaulting to
>chroot directory /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system chdir()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): in
>dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/'.
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): mod_cap/1.0:
>capabilities '= cap_chown,cap_net_bind_service+ep'.
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_readme
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ratio
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ratio
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:18 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_xfer
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'TYPE I' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'PORT 10,0,5,77,133,184' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'PORT 10,0,5,77,133,184' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'PORT 10,0,5,77,133,184' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD command 'PORT 10,0,5,77,133,184' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_core
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_ratio
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>PRE_CMD command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_xfer
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): in
>dir_check_full(): path = '/ian.vfb', fullpath =
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system stat()
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system lstat()
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>CMD command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_xfer
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FS: using
>system open()
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD_ERR command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_log
>Feb 27 08:34:21 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): dispatching
>LOG_CMD_ERR command 'RETR ian.vfb' to mod_xfer
>Feb 27 08:35:13 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FTP no
>transfer timeout, disconnected
>Feb 27 08:35:13 eris proftpd[25172] eris ([]): FTP session
>- From what I can see is NOT ONLY am I getting logged in, but im getting into
>that directory.  As if I try to download foo.vfb (dosent exist) it tells me
>no such file.  If i download ian.vfb it says permission denied.  Am I missing
>something clearly fundimental here?
>	-ian reinhart geiser
>- --
>- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
>- --:Public Key: http://geiseri.myip.org/~geiseri/publickey.asc
>- --:Public Calender: http://geiseri.myip.org/~geiseri/publicevents.ics
>- --:Jabber: geiseri at geiseri.myip.org
>- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in
>- --:   pairs to Cape Canaveral. ~ Source Unknown
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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>Kroupware at mail.kde.org

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