[Kroupware] horde webmail client QIM

cle_kolab at gmx.net cle_kolab at gmx.net
Tue Sep 2 17:39:16 CEST 2003

>Standard procedure to get it; check out the server/horde directory in CVS,
>make in the checked-out directory, and install the resulting binary RPM.

Thanx a lot for the new Web-client

Here is a quick and dirty INSTALL, so you dont have to go through all the
mails about the web-client in this list.
With the help of the postings I was able to install it within half an hour,
no worries. 

Thats how I did it:

download the

tar xfvz horde.tar.gz
cd horde


rpm -Uhv file:///kolab/RPM/PKG/horde-*.kol.rpm

add the following directive to /kolab/etc/kolab/httpd.conf.template

<Directory "/kolab/var/kolab/www/horde>
   Options +FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None

   php_value include_path '/kolab/lib/php/pear/:.'
   php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
   php_flag track_vars On
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

and then run /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab -v -o

Restart apache/kolab

To access your web frontend goto:

COMPUTERBILD 15/03: Premium-e-mail-Dienste im Test
1. GMX TopMail - Platz 1 und Testsieger!
2. GMX ProMail - Platz 2 und Preis-Qualitätssieger!
3. Arcor - 4. web.de - 5. T-Online - 6. freenet.de - 7. daybyday - 8. e-Post

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