[Kroupware] Install help

Vijay Avarachen stalione at avarachen.net
Wed Nov 26 03:44:40 CET 2003

    I have been trying to get kroupware working for a few days now.  I 
was able to successfuly install kroupware after I used a script I found 
on the Gentoo forums (http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=107740).  
Prior to installing kroupware using the script, I had already configured 
LDAP and it was working fine.  I had configured it to authenticate 
system users (via pam_ldap).  After the script finished the installation 
it started the bootstrap process, and from then on I have only had 
trouble.  I got the following error (password and domain edited) when I 
attempted to bootstrap:

>For a fresh install please initialize Kolab and run
>'/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b' as user root.
>If you upgraded from a previous version simply refresh Kolab and run '/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab -o -v' as user root.
>In every case execute '/kolab/etc/rc.d/rc.kolab restart' as user root.
>Please enter Hostname [toolbox]:
>proceeding with Hostname
>Please enter your Maildomain ]:my_domain.com
>proceeding with Maildomain my_domain.com
>Generating default configuration:
> base_dn : dc=
> bind_dn : cn=manager,dc=
>Please choose a manager password [JYO4gwU/Iz24c]: my_password
> bind_pw : chicenter
>done modifying /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf
>use login=manager and passwd=chicenter when you log into the webinterface!
>prepare LDAP database...
>kill running slapd (if any)
>temporarily start slapd
>/kolab/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 51: regular expression "cn=admin,dc" bad because of Invalid regular expression
><access clause> ::= access to <what> [ by <who> <access> [ <control> ] ]+
><what> ::= * | [dn[.<dnstyle>]=<regex>] [filter=<ldapfilter>] [attrs=<attrlist>]
><attrlist> ::= <attr> | <attr> , <attrlist>
><attr> ::= <attrname> | entry | children
><who> ::= [ * | anonymous | users | self | dn[.<dnstyle>]=<regex> ]
>        [dnattr=<attrname>]
>        [group[/<objectclass>[/<attrname>]][.<style>]=<regex>]
>        [peername[.<style>]=<regex>] [sockname[.<style>]=<regex>]
>        [domain[.<style>]=<regex>] [sockurl[.<style>]=<regex>]
>        [ssf=<n>] [transport_ssf=<n>] [tls_ssf=<n>] [sasl_ssf=<n>]
><dnstyle> ::= regex | base | exact (alias of base) | one | subtree | children
><style> ::= regex | base | exact (alias of base)
><groupflags> ::= R
><access> ::= [self]{<level>|<priv>}
><level> ::= none | auth | compare | search | read | write
><priv> ::= {=|+|-}{w|r|s|c|x}+
><control> ::= [ stop | continue | break ]
>could not connect ldap server at /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap line 161.
>Can't call method "bind" without a package or object reference at /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap line 163.
I also noticed that /kolab/etc/openldap/slapd.conf file was corrupt.  
Everywhere it had dc=^[[D in place of the proper dc= entry.  I manually 
edited this file and specified dc=<my_domain>,dc=com and started ldap 
and it started just fine.  Then I tried to bootstrap again and it once 
again corrupted my slapd.conf and game the same error mentioned above. 

Also I noticed that the kolab_sslcert.sh I have installed is very 
different from the mentioned in the technical documentation.  Am I using 
outdated kolab software?  Please advice.

Thank  you,
Vijay Avarachen

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