[Kroupware] Horde UPDATE

Diego Rivera lrivera at racsa.co.cr
Fri May 30 18:09:43 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 16:55, Jason A. Pattie wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Can everyone put a quick note about what you are doing with the Horde
> integration on this thread?

I'm working on writing a Kolab/Kronolith driver, to write/read ical info
through IMAP.  I'm currently stuck trying to get CVS horde to work at a
reasonable level for testing purposes.

I know others are working with Turba (contacts), so I'll let them answer
that one.  Nag (task list) and Mnemo (notes) shouldn't be too dissimilar
to the Kronolith driver, so maybe I'll just jump on'em right off the
bat.  Turba should also share (at least partially) the Kronolith driver,
since all of these will be going through IMAP after all!

There's some other areas of integration we haven't explored, like
password changes (horde.password module), forwards (horde.forwards) and
vacation (horde.vacation).  Who wants those?

* Diego Rivera                                            *
*                                                         *
* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
*                                                         *
* E-mail: lrivera<AT>racsa<DOT>co<DOT>cr                  *
* Replace: <AT>='@', <DOT>='.'                            *
*                                                         *
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