[Kroupware] Kroupware Webadmin patch

Stephan Buys s.buys at codefusion.co.za
Wed May 7 10:50:26 CEST 2003


Please find below a small patch for the Kolab webfrontend that will hopefully
help avoid some confusion when deleting users from the web admin interface.

All it does is instead of providing a user with hyperlinks to modify/delete a mail 
account with "deleteflag : TRUE" it says that the user has been deleted. 

Stephan  Buys
Technical Director
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 391 1412
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at codefusion.co.za

--- index.php   2003-05-07 09:45:52.000000000 +0200
+++ /kolab/var/kolab/www/admin/user/index.php   2003-04-16 15:48:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ if ($result) {
       while ($entry) {
          $dn = ldap_get_dn($link,$entry);
          $attrs = ldap_get_attributes($link, $entry);
-         $deleted = $attrs['deleteflag'][0];
          $userid = $attrs['uid'][0];
          $mail = $attrs['mail'][0];
          $sn = $attrs['sn'][0];
@@ -116,18 +115,11 @@ if ($result) {
          if ($gid == "user") {
             $userid = urlencode($userid);
             $dn = urlencode($dn);
-            if ($deleted != "TRUE") {
-                   printf("<tr align=center><td> %s, %s </td><td> %s </td><td> <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a></td><td>
-                            <a href=\"create_user.php?action=modify&dn=%s\"> [Modify]</a>
-                            <a href=\"create_user.php?action=delete&dn=%s\"> [Delete]</a>
+            printf("<tr align=center><td> %s, %s </td><td> %s </td><td> <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a></td><td>
+                    <a href=\"create_user.php?action=modify&dn=%s\"> [Modify]</a>
+                    <a href=\"create_user.php?action=delete&dn=%s\"> [Delete]</a>
                    </td></tr>\n", $sn, $fn, $userid, $mail, $mail, $dn,$dn);
-            } else {
-                   printf("<tr align=center><td> %s, %s </td><td> %s </td><td> <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a></td><td>
-                            <b> User Deleted, awaiting cleanup... </b>
-                   </td></tr>\n", $sn, $fn, $userid, $mail, $mail, $dn,$dn);
-            }
-       }
+         }
          $entry = ldap_next_entry($link, $entry);

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