[Kroupware] Ldap

Tobias Bandh kroupware@mail.kde.org
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:01:15 +0100

Hmmm this is a good question.

I changed two things, but don't know which change made it work.

I changed kolab.conf
ldab uri from



I changed the searchbase in the ldap-settings in Outlook.
from c=de to dc = hostname

tobias I.

Tobias Hadem wrote:
> and what did you do?
> tobias (also ;-))
> Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2003 16:19 schrieb Tobias Bandh:
>>Thanks for your help. I got it working just at this moment!
>>Tobias Bandh wrote:
>>>this file seems to be OK.
>>>base_dn : dc=mydomain, dc=de
>>>bind_dn : cn=manager, dc=myhostname
>>>bind_pw : my_secret_pw
>>>ldap_uri: ldap://
>>>php_dn : cn=nobody, dc=myhostname
>>>php_pw : another_secret_pw
>>>But now I get a different alert:
>>>"Objekt nicht gefunden. Möglischerweise ist die angegebene Suchbasis
>>>(Object not found. Possibly is the searchbase(?) incorrect)
>>>Where do I have to specify this in Outlook?
>>>Is there any other possibility to see if LDAP is working Properly?
>>>Stephan Buys wrote:
>>>>There should be an entry in the file that has a line:
>>>>base_dn : dc=mydomain,dc=com or something along those lines.
>>>>(I am asuming you installed Kolab under /kolab )
>>>>You use this DN (distinguished name) as the root of your LDAP
>>>>queries. I have found that specifying it in Outlook Express and
>>>>KAddressBook allows me to query the Kolab server for addresses.
>>>>Stephan Buys
>>>>On Wednesday 19 March 2003 12:46, Tobias Bandh wrote:
>>>>>How should /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf look like?
>>>>>Regards, Tobias
>>>>>Stephan Buys wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Tobias,
>>>>>>Is your Base DN set correctly in the applications?
>>>>>>Check /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf for your Base DN
>>>>>>Stephan Buys
>>>>>>On Wednesday 19 March 2003 12:09, Tobias Bandh wrote:
>>>>>>>I'm absolutely new to Kroupware, so I've some questions.
>>>>>>>I installed Kroupware and the Bynarie Connector for Outlook. It
>>>>>>>seems to
>>>>>>>work quite well. But How can I access the LDAP directory?
>>>>>>>If I try to access the LDAP directory using Outlook, I receive the
>>>>>>>Error: "Ungültige DN-Syntax (34)" (Invalid DN-Syntax (34))
>>>>>>>If I try to access the LDAP Service using Mozilla, there is no Error,
>>>>>>>but I don't see any entries.
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Tobias Bandh

Transport- und Lagersysteme
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eMail t.bandh@indumat.de
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