[Kroupware] "real" debian packages ?

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez kroupware@mail.kde.org
17 Mar 2003 17:19:35 +0100

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El mar, 11 de 03 de 2003 a las 12:33, Nicolas Bouthors escribi=F3:
> Has anyone yet tried/succeeded creating "real" Debian packages (.deb,=20
> not .rpms) from the CVS source ?

Hi Nicolas, I'm a Debian developer and I had just sent an ITP message
(Intend To Package) against the Debian bug tracking system (Bug#180634).

If you want to help me, talk with me and CC to the kroupware mailing
list (I sent the ITP message to it).

I want to package de KDE kolab client too, I think it's better the same
developer do both task.

Thank you very much.
Javier Vi=F1uales Guti=E9rrez <vigu@yacoi.com>
Ingeniero Industrial - YACO S.L.  =20
Albareda 24, 41001 Sevilla - Espa=F1a
Tfno: 954293600	FAX: 954210326
GnuPG public key: 	  http://db.debian.org

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