Re[2]: [Kroupware] start-problems with kolab on SuSE 8.1

Andreas Ahlenstorf
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 16:32:18 +0100

Hello Jörg,

> I´ve got the same problem.
> Whenever I change it to root.root the kolab-startscript changes it back to
> kolab.root and produces that error-message again.

> [LsDefaultOptions]
> Isn´t it true, that you have to change that in the proftpd.conf.template
> file? Otherwise the change will be overridden by the template at startup.

That may be right. I looked yesterday quickly at the current kolab
beta and decided, that I can't use it for a client's server (many bugs
and not flexible enough). I only used my few workarounds and it worked for
a quick check.

     - Andreas Ahlenstorf