[Kroupware] Several questions

Wim Bakker kroupware@mail.kde.org
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 19:17:02 +0100

On Thursday 06 March 2003 17:51, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Nice.

Yes it is, you really did a very good job, it's a joy to
work with kolab.

> If you have configured Kcontrol->KDE Components->KAddressbook
> to use the imap resource as standard then you can change your contacts
> and sync them to the server. This works here with a modern
> KDE client, there was a bug in earlier betas.

This bug is still there in beta5 too? Do I need current cvs for this
bug to be resolved? Because the last cvs (1 Mar 2003) I tried generated a bug
which caused kmail to spawn in up-tempo kaddressbook processes
when clicking "contacts" until the machine hung by self suffocation. 
> If you want to add the mobilephone number to the addressbooks
> which are server via ldap, then you have to change the ldap schema
> and adapt the webserver scripts.

Ah, so I can tamper with the web scripts too add fields for e.g.
mobile phone number and it won't hamper the good working of 
> > 2. Forwarding mail from a user to another email address , how/where
> >    do I configure that in the webinterface.
> In the web interface (add /admin) for the user,
> "My User Settings" -> Forward E-Mail.

Aha, forwarding is done by the user him/herself, I haven't 
checked the user interface yet.

> > 3. Shared folders, how do I use them? How can I access them
> >    from the kolab client.
> Shared folders are not fully supported yet by the client.
Oke, i can wait, enough to find out about existing 
functionality as it is now.

Wim Bakker

<Hi, I'm Billy , your office-assistant
 I'm a really annoying little bugger,
 but if you threaten me you gonna hire
 that geek Linus, I'll give you a 50% 
 discount on all the services you
 acquire from me>