[Kroupware] Howto change "cn=nobody" password

Stephan Buys kroupware@mail.kde.org
Sat, 1 Mar 2003 12:26:21 +0200

Hi all,

After struggling for hours and hours to get Kolab running I have finally
managed to get Kolab running in a chrooted RH7.3 environment on my 
Gentoo box. I am sure this is not a supported platform :-)

One of the glitches that occurred is that my "Anonymous binding" does
not work. The web interface tries to use: cn=nobody,dc=mydomain with
a password set in /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab.conf 

Is there a way for me to change the password for that user? I have changed
the php_dn and php_pw fields to be the same as the manager at this stage,
just to get it up and running...
