[Kroupware] Error uploading message

Rene Ouderling m.n.e.ouderling at rent-it-professionals.nl
Mon Jun 30 15:59:10 CEST 2003


I'm facing the following problem. While synchronizing the tasks i'm getting 
the following error message:

Error while uploading message
Could not upload the message on the server from folder Tasks with URL 
This could be because you don't have permission to do this. The error message 
from the server communication is here:

I didn't change any rights (all standard) there is no problem with the network 
or hardware. 
I had 4 tasks assigned to me by another user when this problem occured. 
Deleted the tasks on both pc's but still getting this message, anybody a 


Rent IT-Professionals

Rene Ouderling
Nistelrodestraat 26
5045 MD  Tilburg
Tel:    +31(0)13-5721351
Fax:    +31(0)13-5721339
E-mail  :m.n.e.ouderlingr at rent-it-professionals.nl
WWW     :www.rent-it-professionals.nl
icq     :151446218

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