[Kroupware] Quick QIM Question

Stephen Dowe stephen.dowe at ntlworld.com
Thu Jun 26 21:58:23 CEST 2003

> The .src.rpm files can be located anywhere. Their contents is
> installed to:
> /kolab/RPM/SRC/name_of_package by the rpm -ivh *.src.rpm command.
> You then execute your rebuild commands from within that folder.

Thanks Stephan.  My prolonged installation really does make a mockery of
this message's title, but I do find the QIM (QIKS section) quite vague in
places. Hopefully my experience may contribute to its improvement.

So... on to step 6. If you would be so kind... (I'm using document version

1) There is continual reference to "install as root", yet no definitive
point at which this should occur. Could you clarify - is it after installing
the other rpms (patch - mm)?

2) su'ing to become root requires a password - perhaps I missed this. Where
might I find my kolab root's password, or am I meant to su as my host
machine's root? If so, presumably I should exit the kolab environment?(me
getting confused)

Thanks for the help.


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