[Kroupware] Help on installing the Kolab server.

simpsonb simpsonb at impmail.dnsalias.com
Sat Jun 14 20:38:31 CEST 2003

On Saturday 14 June 2003 01:26 pm, simpsonb wrote:
> Should I try to build from source or should I just use the binaries? If I
> go from source gcc isn't available from the current packages.

I finally got KOLAB_1_0 installed with the web interface working. Here's what 
I did.

I followed the directions with the exception of using gcc from openpkg's 
website. I also did a manual install instead of using the buildkolab.sh 

Notes about the documentation:
1: perl-openpkg needs to be added before perl-ds
2: openssl needs to be listed before perl-ssl instead of after perl-ldap.
3: sed, libiconv, gettext, imap, getopt, and ncurses need to be added after 
4: The kolab patch doesn't seem to apply cleanly to imapd.

Question: Can I use a regular kmail client to access just the email or do I 
need a kolab client?


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