[Kroupware] Kolab-Client documentation wanted (dead or alive ;-) )

praktikant15(Martin Reiter) praktikant15 at bitburger.de
Wed Jul 30 12:19:15 CEST 2003

Were is the documentation for kmail in relationship with kolab??
having some "startup problems".
in fact i'm  not feeling very comfortabe with the kroupware/kolab
client since there is only a "print" and "undo" button in the
menubar af the kroupware-kmail-client... if i chage it in the
settingemenu it doesnt keep the settings (doesn't accept??) and i
can't figure out how to just simply write an email to
foo.bar at linux.local (except calling kmail "foo.bar at linux.local"
from the shell what is not the solution i was thinking about to
use in a company envionment which is  used to
<joke>"rausguck"</joke(german 4 outlook)>)

tnx a lot!


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