[Kroupware] IMAP-Issue, Addressbook synch

Tobias Tost tobias.tost at fh-erfurt.de
Tue Jul 29 17:22:14 CEST 2003


I'm just trying to evaluate the kolab server but some - perhaps caused
by "dunno"'s- problems..
1.) I installed it succsessfully, I guess all come up niceley, Users
kann log in via IMAP locally (on the same machine) an the webinterface
(remote also). But if These Users try to put some vacation info or
something similar, they get the message

Could not log on to timsieved daemon on your IMAP server

So I tried ps an netstat...

>ps ax | fgrep imap
6951 ?        S      0:00 /kolab/bin/cyrmaster -p
/kolab/var/imapd/imapd.pid -d

>netstat -ntplou | fgrep 2000
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 6951/cyrmaster aus (0.00/0/0)

An it seems the Machine listens?! What is my Problem?

2.) A huge descision-argument for the implementation of the kolab-server
is, that all clients, mostly outlook, can interchange their
addressbooks... Just a one-click synchronize. How is this possible? The
bynari-plugin always tell me it can't connect to the imap-server (seems
to be related to the first problem)

3.) How can I "mail" with or from the imap-clients? What are the
e-Mail-Adresses? Shoul I tell in the User-Setup the E-Mail is i.e.
username at kolabsystem? or only username? I have no Idea, never messed
with imap or mail-server setup. :(

Thats "all" :)

Perhaps you can help me? 

Thanks alot,


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