[Kroupware] build & install script v3

Bernhard Erdmann be at berdmann.de
Mon Jul 28 20:50:22 CEST 2003


here's no. 3 - I had to reorder the packages.

It has been tested from scratch (rm -rf /kolab) on RedHat 8.0 + SGI XFS 
1.2 and RedHat 9 + SGI XFS 1.2.

1. visudo
2. sh /net/software/kolab/openpkg-20030606-20030606.src.sh 
--prefix=/kolab --user=kolab --group=kolab 2>&1 | tee kolab.log
3. sh -x ./openpkg-20030606-20030606.ix86-linux2.4-kol.sh
4. su - kolab
5. rpm -ihv /net/software/kolab/*.src.rpm
6. /net/software/kolab/build-install-kolab.sh 2>&1 | tee install.log

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