[Kroupware] HOWTO: amavisd-new, spam assassin, sophos

Jon Bendtsen jon+kolab at silicide.dk
Mon Jul 21 12:40:47 CEST 2003

s.buys at icon.co.za wrote:
>>Stephan Buys wrote:
>>>I use the standard method as described by the amavisd-new README.postfix.
>>>It uses extra SMTP listeners (although LMTP is possible, I was just lazy) and
>>>the Postfix content_filter directive.
>>I'm not familiar with that method. Could you either please describe it 
>>here or email me that README file?
> http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.postfix

Thanks. However this setup resends the email, which is exactly what i 
DONT want to do.


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