[Kroupware] Webpages split: Kolab, Kroupware

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu Jul 17 14:13:43 CEST 2003

As planned for a while 
we splitted the webpages for Kolab and Kroupware.

As you might remember 
the Kroupware Project is related to the contract 
the three companies Erfrakon, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult and Intevation 
have to fulfill.

As a "collateral benefit" their efforts have lead to the Kolab concept
and usable Free Software, namely the Kolab Server and KDE Kolab Klient.
The involved companies follow a new paradigm in the software business
avoiding doubled work through this modern form of cooperation
which is natural in the Free Software world.

The name "Kolab Project" will label 
the acitivities around the Kolab concept and software 
which are done by the Free Software community.
The three companies of course continue to take part in that community.

So the Kroupware Pages will stay to document the 
Kroupware project related to the contract. It will be finished
one day and then the pages will reflect that state.
Reachable at

The Kolab webpages will be more active
aimed towards maximising the usefullness of Kolab for the community.
Currently served from

Please do not link to "*.kolab.org" at the moment,
as we (the people of the Kolab project) 
do not have control over that domain.

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