[Kroupware] How to change the manager password?

Wim Bakker w.a.bakker at planet.nl
Thu Jul 10 23:59:01 CEST 2003

On Thursday 10 July 2003 21:26, Dieter Kluenter wrote:

> The ldapclients can only be used the manipulate entries, but rootdn
> has no userPassword attribute, but only a rootpw entry in slapd.conf.
> -Dieter
Aha, oke forget my other response,
I removed the password entry from
slapd.conf (the one with the two "))" in it)
and replaced it with the new one. Apparently
kolab hadn't updated it after restarting the services,
and from legacy.conf.old , the place where
kolab startup got confused after changing the password
Now I don't get the errors anymore , I get quite new ones:
Login failed: authentication failure at /kolab/lib/perl/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-
linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as manager
Login failed: authentication failure at /kolab/lib/perl/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-
linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as manager
Login failed: authentication failure at /kolab/lib/perl/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-
linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm line 118
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as manager

Apparently there is still a place where the old password has
influence and doesn't allow for proper updating by the 
kolab startup scripts. But where ?
Anyways , I can now login with the new password, a reminder
never use )) in a password for kolab manager.
Wim Bakker

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