[Kroupware] Beta packages of the KDE kolab client
Tobias Hadem
Tue, 04 Feb 2003 13:01:13 +0100
i don?t think so.
it is really f******* hard to install, when you only have the sources,
but it?s extreme stable at me.
and with the binaries the installation is much more easier than before.
Tobias Hadem th@lt-ec.de
LT-ec service & solutions http://www.lt-ec.de
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Benno-Strauss-Strasse 5 D-90763 Fu"rth/Bay.
LinuxTag - Europes largest expo and conference
vom 10.-13.7.2003 im Messe- und Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe
Ivaylo Toshev schrieb:
>Still buggy ;-)) i suppose it will go stable around beta 7 (just
>kidding) ;-)
>It crashes every time, when something is wrong on server-side or with
>client configuration settings.
>Still unusable.
>Where i can find information about planned feautures of this client.
>На пн, 2003-02-03 в 14:44, Bo Thorsen записа:
>>I'm happy to announce the first beta release of the KDE kolab client.
>>The packages are for now only available as source packages and can be
>>downloaded from
>>The kdepim and kdenetwork packages include only the parts necessary to run
>>the client - all other applications have been removed. The kde-i18n
>>includes only the German translations because so far the client have only
>>been translated to German.
>>The source packages will compile on KDE 3.1.x.
>>The packages have these md5sums:
>>4079af6311ef55f06abf083a214b3908 kde-i18n-kroupware-beta1.tar.bz2
>>8033467863602625de4f98e38853a8ef kdenetwork-kroupware-beta1.tar.bz2
>>83765b84cef4b044aeba5a46c3ab0e8d kdepim-kroupware-beta1.tar.bz2
>>There are a few known bugs left in the packages, but they should be
>>Bo Thorsen.
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