[Kroupware] mailrouting between kolab servers in the same domain

Tassilo Erlewein kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 01:05:13 +0100

Am Montag, 3. Februar 2003 22:00 schrieb earthtirol:
> hi all,
> how did you plan to route mails between kolab servers in a lan/wan
> nerwork.

If you refer to inter-smtp-domain routing: postfix has it's transport table.
Just divide your smtp domain in subdomains, make up a virtual user table
and enter static smtp routes it in the according config template file.

Note that all I'm talking about is not yet included in the webinterface...

If you refer to distributing a single smtp domain over a variety of
servers: IMAP has means to spread mailboxes over a choice of servers;
that is in the meantime a standard cyrus imapd functionality.

There are additional existing OSS solutions to that problem. That's the
reason why we consider IMAP to scale very well.

> and how do a gateway kolab server find the right server
> the users mailbox?

That has been done before, it's no rocket science. I remember a talk at the
last Linuxtag about the Lufthansa building a IMAP server for 80.000 mailbox=
spread over about 16 nodes, I think.

You may want to look at the cyrus documentation on how to do that.
I think it's a version 2.0+ feature, if I recall correctly.

Dipl.-Ing. Tassilo Erlewein

e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Nobelstra=DFe 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
mobil: 0160 4442541
fax: 0711 7357730
email: tassilo.erlewein@erfrakon.de