[Kroupware] Relay for unknown mailboxes

Stephan Buys s.buys at codefusion.co.za
Thu Aug 7 17:49:42 CEST 2003


I also had the same problem. This is the way I solved it:

Note that it not necesarry to rewrite the known users to anything, actually
this breaks Sieve, so dont do it. Replace with the following (change in

ldapsource_search_base = dc=baronny,dc=kolabtest,dc=co,dc=za
ldapsource_query_filter = (mail=%s)
ldapsource_result_attribute = mail
ldapsource_result_filter = %s
ldapsource_search_timeout = 2
ldapsource_scope = one
ldapsource_bind = no
ldapsource_version = 3

There might be a better solution, if you can think of one let me know :-)


On Thursday 07 August 2003 16:35, Michael Harlaut wrote:
> Hello,
> There is an option in Postfix (luser_relay), to relay to an other
> mailbox and/or host, when a recipient is unknown.
> This is usefull when you have to deal with two mail servers (it's about
> the "mail delivery part" of Kolab only).
> Unfortunatly, this is not possible with Kolab, because luser_relay works
> with local recipient only (/etc/passwd use).
> So ... does anyone know if there is a elegant way to tell postfix or
> cyrus-imap to relay the mail to $user at another.host rather than rejecting
> it with a "550-Mailbox unknown" ? :)
> It can help during a long migration process from an old server to Kolab.
> Or perhaps i have to look for a different approach :)
> Thanks for hints !
> --
> Michael

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